About me

I dis­co­ve­red my enthu­si­asm and love for child­ren early on. Hence, this led to my wish to become a phy­sio­the­ra­pist for child­ren. I view my career as a some­thing that con­ti­nuously chal­len­ges me, but also gives me a lot of joy.


Career Path

since Nov 2017 Resump­tion of my work in Wil­hel­mi­nen Hos­pi­tal
since April 2016 Resump­tion of my activity in prac­tice
2015 — 2017 paren­tal leave (Pausing my activity in the Wil­hel­mi­nen Hos­pi­tal)
2015 Birth of my daugh­ter
since 1998 I con­stantly visit trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion, which I list here and under tre­at­ment methods not all
since 2002 Employed at the Wil­hel­mina Hos­pi­tal, Children’s Hos­pi­tal, Glanz­ing; active on the Neo­na­tal Inten­sive Care Unit (NICU), as well as fol­low-up and dia­gnostics of for­mer in-pati­ents
Trai­ning for Bobath (refres­her course) and Hippo the­ra­pist cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (Bobath­re­fres­her 2013)
Tea­ching at the Wil­hel­mina Hos­pi­tal Aca­demy (sub­ject taught — paediatrics and co-super­vi­sion of the­ses and the deve­lop­ment of a parent brochure
Impro­ve­ment in Eng­lish as a result of a stu­dent exchange in the USA and a trip around the world in 2007/08
2000 Phy­sio­the­ra­pist at Life Coa­ching Frie­sing in Ger­many: field of respon­si­bi­lity as an Exter­nal Group Super­vi­sor for spe­cial edu­ca­tion pre-schools and schools, as well as super­vi­sion of child­ren aged 0–6 years with deve­lop­men­tal delays.
1998 Leo­ben Children’s Hos­pi­tal (very varied field of activity)
Diploma from the KFJ Aca­demy Vienna for Phy­sio­the­ra­peu­tic Ser­vices

In my spare time I am pas­sio­nate about tra­ve­ling and get­ting to know other cul­tures as well as pho­to­gra­phy, child­ren, activi­ties in nature, the moun­tains, hiking, rea­ding, and above all, riding spe­ci­fi­cally lear­ning clas­si­cal dres­sage by Phil­ippe Karl (a spe­cial riding method).

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