
Children’s Cli­nic Vienna-West

Lin­zer­straße 382/1/5, 1140 Vienna

Tel.: 0699/127 939 25
Tre­at­ment times:
Every Wed­nes­day from 15:00hrs
U4 Hüt­tel­dorf or
tram way 49 (Ret­tich­gasse) or
bus 147 (Ret­tich­gasse oder Bahnhofstrasse/Linzerstrasse)

Par­king is hardly avail­able in the area of ​​the prac­tice. In principle, par­king is pos­si­ble. For an appoint­ment, I ask you to speak to my mail­box. You will be cal­led back as soon as pos­si­ble.


Bar­bara Lie­ber­zeit — Kin­der­pra­xis Wien-West

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