

Before you bring your child to a phy­sio­the­rapy appoint­ment, you will require an ‘Ordi­nance for Phy­sio­the­rapy’ from your child’s paediatri­cian. Since I never treat infants and child­ren for less than 45 minu­tes, please allow for a tre­at­ment unit of 45 minu­tes to be writ­ten on the ordi­nance. This ordi­nance must be appro­ved by your insurance com­pany for reim­bur­se­ment. Please bear in mind, depen­ding on your health insurance, that only part of the cost is refun­ded.

Initial Con­sul­ta­tion

Because I need time to get to know your baby/child, and it is known from expe­ri­ence that there are many ques­ti­ons in the begin­ning, the dura­tion of the initial con­sul­ta­tion will be 60 minu­tes. During this time I will ask some ques­ti­ons, dis­cuss the dia­gno­sis of your baby/child (in part with video ana­ly­sis) and let you know if fur­ther tre­at­ments are nee­ded.

Dura­tion of Tre­at­ment

Unless other­wise sta­ted, your baby/child will be sche­du­led for one unit (45 minu­tes) of the­rapy every week. The length of tre­at­ment is depen­dent on the dia­gno­sis and the sub­se­quent deve­lop­men­tal pro­gress.

Cost of Tre­at­ment

Initial con­sul­ta­tion and tre­at­ment unit of 60 minu­tes = 75 Euro Each sub­se­quent tre­at­ment unit of 45 minu­tes = 60 Euro You are kindly requested, if pos­si­ble, to can­cel appoint­ments in a timely man­ner (24hrs in advance). In all other cir­cum­s­tan­ces you will be invoi­ced for half of the cost of tre­at­ment. I ask for your under­stan­ding. Home visits are only pos­si­ble in excep­tio­nal cases.

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