Tre­at­ment Methods

Bobath The­rapy for Child­ren, Cer­ti­fied

Bobath Child­ren (Neuro-Deve­lop­men­tal Tre­at­ment NDT) is not a tech­no­logy, but a holistic the­ra­peu­tic con­cept.

It was deve­lo­ped by Berta (phy­sio­the­ra­pist) and Karel (neu­ro­lo­gist) Bobath. The neu­ro­phy­sio­lo­gi­cal deve­lop­ment is sup­por­ted, taking into account the spe­cial needs of the child, the cir­cum­s­tan­ces, and the cur­rent state of deve­lop­ment.

In con­trast to other the­ra­peu­tic con­cepts, in the Bobath con­cept, there are no stan­dar­di­zed exer­ci­ses but rather ever­y­day rela­ted the­ra­peu­tic activi­ties are in the fore­ground. Thus, sen­so­ri­mo­tor lear­ning is favou­red. For the child, moto­ric lear­ning at home should be sup­por­ted by envi­ron­ment design and assisted by various tech­ni­ques. Pri­ma­rily, infants and child­ren with deve­lop­men­tal abnor­ma­li­ties of any kind (fol­lo­wing birth trauma, pre­ma­ture infants, neu­ro­lo­gi­cal defects, deve­lop­men­tal risks, any wry­ness, and asym­me­try in infancy, syn­dro­mes …) are trea­ted.

Three-dimen­sio­nal Manual Foot The­rapy by B. Zukunft-Huber

Three-dimen­sio­nal manual foot the­rapy fol­lo­wing the B. Zukunft-Huber method is based on the nor­mal neu­ro­phy­sio­lo­gi­cal motor deve­lop­ment. It inte­gra­tes the ent­ire body. With spe­cial stret­ching and ban­dage-wrap­ping tech­ni­ques, the nor­mal foot deve­lop­ment is sup­por­ted. For home tre­at­ment, the par­ents are inst­ruc­ted accord­in­gly. It covers all types of foot defor­mi­ties such as club­foot, flat­foot, clim­bing foot.…

Sen­sory Inte­gra­tion by Jean Ayres — GSIÖ Cer­ti­fied

The Sen­sory Inte­gra­tion (SI) con­cept was deve­lo­ped by the occupa­tio­nal the­ra­pist and deve­lop­men­tal psy­cho­lo­gist A. Jean Ayres. This holistic con­cept is about the rela­ti­ons­hips bet­ween per­cep­tion, move­ment, and lear­ning. Our sen­ses take in sti­muli from the envi­ron­ment, which are stored and pro­ces­sed in our ner­vous sys­tem. Only when this pro­cess is working pro­perly, we can ade­qua­tely respond to our envi­ron­ment, learn, play, make social con­tacts, and move for­ward.

Signs for SI dis­or­ders can be atten­tion defi­cits, lan­guage delay, coor­di­na­tion pro­blems, hyper­ac­tivity and rest­less­ness, anxiety, beha­viou­ral pro­blems, lear­ning dif­fi­cul­ties, pro­blems in fin­ding game ideas or in imple­men­ting such.…

In the Sen­sory Inte­gra­tion The­rapy, child­ren learn with pro­blems in per­cep­tion pro­ces­sing, know the limits and pos­si­bi­li­ties of their body, and orga­nize their beha­viour. The the­rapy is play­fully desi­gned. The requi­re­ments are adap­ted to the child, so that they can learn through expe­ri­en­ces of suc­cess and self-con­fi­dence is streng­t­he­ned. SI is car­ried out mostly by occupa­tio­nal the­ra­pists. I see it as my task to incor­po­rate ele­ments of this con­cept in my the­rapy and pay atten­tion to any pro­blems in per­cep­tion pro­ces­sing early on. If your baby or todd­ler has dif­fi­cul­ties in the area of Sen­sory Inte­gra­tion Pro­ces­sing, it should be super­vi­sed by expe­ri­en­ced occupa­tio­nal the­ra­pists with SI trai­ning.

Syn­er­ge­tic reflex the­rapy by Dr. Wal­de­mar Pfaf­fen­rot

Syn­er­gistic Reflexo­logy is a gentle stret­ching tech­ni­que based on a neu­ro­phy­sio­lo­gi­cal. It is used espe­ci­ally for pati­ents with cere­b­ral move­ment dis­or­ders (such as ICP, MMC, mus­cle disea­ses…). Mus­cle tone is redu­ced and the shor­tened mus­cles stret­ched with invol­ve­ment of dif­fe­rent reflex points.

Pre­ma­ture baby mas­sage (Bruno Wal­ter)

The baby mas­sage takes place in a calm atmo­s­phere. Through the loving touch and the various tech­ni­ques, a healthy body fee­ling can be sup­por­ted and diges­tion encou­ra­ged. Self-esteem, con­fi­dence, and well-being can be increa­sed. The mas­sage should be fun and con­vey the joy of move­ment and touch.

In con­trast to full-term infants, pre­ma­ture babies often have dif­fi­cul­ties pro­ces­sing touch and motion cor­rec­tly. The­re­fore, they are often very rest­less or tense. Pre­ma­ture baby mas­sage is not­hing more than a slight varia­tion on the baby mas­sage, in order to bet­ter under­stand the spe­cial needs of pre-term infants and help them to relax. Par­ti­cu­lar atten­tion is paid to hyper­sen­si­ti­vity regar­ding tac­tile sti­muli on the skin and chan­ges in posi­tion.


In reflexo­logy, it is assu­med that in our body there is an asso­cia­ted reflex zone on the sole of the foot for each organ. The zone cor­re­sponds with the organ. The organ can be posi­tively affec­ted through the app­li­ca­tion of a pres­sure tre­at­ment to the zone. In infants, the reflex zones for the gastro­in­tes­ti­nal tract are espe­ci­ally sui­ta­ble to sti­mu­late diges­tion and often very hel­pful for bloa­ting and labou­red bowel move­ments.

Cra­nio­Sa­crale The­rapy (Upled­ger)

Cra­nio­sa­cral the­rapy deve­lo­ped in the second half of the 20th cen­tury. It is based on the tea­ching of osteo­pa­thy (bone healing).

Dr. Wil­liam Suther­land demons­tra­ted the phy­sio­lo­gi­cal move­ment of the cra­nial bones of each per­son. Later, in the 1970’s Dr. John Upled­ger dis­co­ve­red that the skull was con­nec­ted to the sacrum via the skin (Dura Mata) which lines the spi­nal cord canal. The name ‘Cra­nio­sa­cral’ was com­po­sed of the terms cra­nium (skull) and sacrum (sacrum). Der Name Cra­nio­Sa­crale

The Dura Mata chan­ges its state of stress (cau­sed by inju­ries, as well as phy­si­cal and men­tal load), con­se­quently through any trauma before, during or after the birth. Fur­ther­more, it is assu­med that the cere­bro­s­pi­nal fluid (the liquid in which the brain and spi­nal cord are embed­ded) has its own rhythm that can be felt.

This is where the cra­nio­sa­cral the­rapy is app­lied. It is a very gentle the­rapy tech­ni­que per­for­med mainly on the head and sacrum. Both are affec­ted by of rhythm of the cere­bro­s­pi­nal fluid, and the vol­tage of the Dura Mata. The goal is the pro­ces­sing of trauma and ther­eby the achie­ve­ment of rela­xa­tion and the enhan­ce­ment of well-being.

Respi­ra­tory the­rapy for infants and young child­ren

Because infants have a very soft chest and nar­row air­ways, infec­tions and secre­ti­ons can quickly lead to breat­hing pro­blems. Through cer­tain hand­ling tech­ni­ques and vibra­ti­ons on the chest, secre­ti­ons can be mobi­li­zed and breat­hing deepe­ned.

Kine­sio taping

This is a tech­ni­que, where adhe­sive tape is app­lied to the skin in known sys­tems. The tape acts on recep­tors in the skin, mus­cles, and lympha­tic sys­tem, depen­ding on adhe­sive tech­no­logy. It is sui­ta­ble for pain reduc­tion, but also to activate spe­ci­fic mus­cle groups or to relax.

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